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[PREV] White-Bearded Manakin
Asa Wright, Trinidad

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Trinidad & Tobago - December 2009   >   Asa Day Two [55/92]
Trinidad Highlights (42 pix)
Tobago Highlights (32 pix)
Grebes (2 pix)
Anhingas (11 pix)
Pelicans and Frigatebirds (3 pix)
Herons and Egrets (18 pix)
Ibises (10 pix)
Vultures (10 pix)
Raptors (19 pix)
Chachalacas (8 pix)
Gallinules and Moorhen (7 pix)
Jacanas (12 pix)
Shorebirds (7 pix)
Gulls and Terns (6 pix)
Pigeons and Doves (4 pix)
Parrots (3 pix)
Cuckoos and Anis (6 pix)
Potoo and Nightjar (4 pix)
Hummingbirds (50 pix)
Trogons (14 pix)
Kingfishers (2 pix)
Motmots (7 pix)
Jacamars (6 pix)
Toucans (3 pix)
Woodpeckers (10 pix)
Woodcreeper (1 pix)
Spinetails (2 pix)
Antshrikes (4 pix)
Bellbirds (2 pix)
Manakins (6 pix)
Flycatchers (23 pix)
Swallows (2 pix)
Wren (2 pix)
Mockingbirds (2 pix)
Thrushes (2 pix)
Blackbirds and Oropendolas (13 pix)
Bananaquits (12 pix)
Honeycreepers and Tanagers (24 pix)
Finches (7 pix)
Hesperiidae (8 pix)
Papilionidae (4 pix)
Pieridae (2 pix)
Heliconiidae (14 pix)
Satyridae (9 pix)
Nymphalidae (24 pix)
Lycaenidae (2 pix)
Riodinidae (6 pix)
Tiger Complex (8 pix)
Caterpillars (2 pix)
Other Fauna
Other Fauna (29 pix)
Full Chronological
Prelude: New York City (2 pix)
Asa Day One (27 pix)
Caroni Trip (34 pix)
Asa Day Two
Bon Accord (26 pix)
Pigeon Point (25 pix)
Crown Point (61 pix)
Tobago Birding (72 pix)
Trinidad Birding (99 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Tropical Mockingbird
  2. Crested Oropendola
  3. Green Honeycreeper, Juvenile
  4. Squirrel Cuckoo
  5. Golden-Olive Woodpecker
  6. Golden-Olive Woodpeckers
  7. Silver-Beaked Tanager (f)
  8. Copper-Rumped Hummingbird
  9. Copper-Rumped Hummingbird
  10. Violaceous Euphonia
  11. Violaceous Euphonia
  12. Hummingbird
  13. Copper-Rumped Hummingbird
  14. Crested Oropendola
  15. Great Kiskadee
  16. Channel-Billed Toucan
  17. Toucan and Oropendola
  18. Cattle Heart (Parides anchises)
  19. White-Tailed Trogon
  20. White-Tailed Trogon
  21. Golden-Headed Manakin
  22. Cattle Heart (Parides anchises)
  23. Common Potoo
  24. Common Potoo
  25. White-Bearded Manakin
  26. White-Bearded Manakin
  27. Small Postman (Heliconius erato)
  28. Green Heliconian (Philaethria dido)
  29. Green Heliconian (Philaethria dido)
  30. Ithomiid?
  31. Heliconiid
  32. Heliconiid
  33. Heliconiid
  34. Danaid?
  35. Stalachtis?
  36. Heliconius
  37. Heliconius
  38. Tegu Lizard
  39. Tegu Lizard
  40. Tegu Lizard
  41. Tegu Lizard
  42. Copper-Rumped Hummingbird
  43. Copper-Rumped Hummingbird
  44. Skipper
  45. Heliconiid?
  46. Heliconiid?
  47. Tufted Coquette (f)
  48. Tufted Coquette (f)
  49. Tufted Coquette (f)
  50. White-Necked Jacobin (f)
  51. Tufted Coquette (f)
  52. Purple Honeycreeper
  53. Purple Honeycreeper
  54. White-Bearded Manakin
  55. White-Bearded Manakin
  56. Nymphalid
  57. Leaf-Cutter Ants
  58. Leaf-Cutting Ants
  59. Leaf-Cutters
  60. Satyrid
  61. Charis sp.
  62. Shiny Wasp
  63. Hermit? Hummingbird
  64. Satyrid
  65. Satyrid
  66. Common Potoo
  67. Green Hermit
  68. Green Hermit
  69. Cocoa(?) Thrush
  70. Agouti
  71. Green Hermit
  72. Green Hermit
  73. Green Honeycreeper, Female
  74. Purple Honeycreeper, Female
  75. Copper-Rump
  76. Tufted Coquette
  77. Tufted Coquette
  78. Green Honeycreeper
  79. Palm Tanager
  80. Violaceous Euphonia
  81. Violaceous Euphonia
  82. Green Honeycreeper
  83. Green Honeycreeper
  84. Blue-Gray Tanager
  85. Blue-Gray Tanager
  86. White-Necked Jacobin
  87. White-Necked Jacobin
  88. White-Necked Jacobin
  89. Copper-Rump
  90. Copper-Rump
  91. Silver-Beaked Tanager
  92. Copper-Rump