[PREV] [12/21] - Mixed Ducks [NEXT]
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[PREV] Mixed Ducks
Stewart Park, Ithaca NY (Nov 2007)

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Ithaca 2005-2007   >   Dabbling Ducks [12/21]
2005-2006 (8 pix)
2007 (26 pix)
2008 (9 pix)
Link: 2008-2011
Link: 2012-2013
Ithaca (25 pix)
Upstate NY (8 pix)
Ithaca area (12 pix)
Last Day of '07 (9 pix)
Geese (35 pix)
Swans (2 pix)
Dabbling Ducks
Diving Ducks (11 pix)
Mergansers (25 pix)
Loon and Grebe (3 pix)
Cormorants (28 pix)
Herons (22 pix)
Buzzards (3 pix)
Ospreys (2 pix)
Hawks (9 pix)
Coots (8 pix)
Killdeer (8 pix)
Sandpipers (13 pix)
Gulls, Terns (27 pix)
Kingfishers (1 pix)
Woodpeckers (6 pix)
Flycatchers (1 pix)
Swallows (16 pix)
Chickadees (3 pix)
Nuthatches (2 pix)
Thrushes, Bluebirds, Robins (10 pix)
Mockingbirds, Catbirds (6 pix)
Waxwings (8 pix)
Wood-Warblers (2 pix)
Sparrows (8 pix)
Grosbeaks, Cardinals (4 pix)
Blackbirds, Grackles, Cowbirds (10 pix)
Finches (9 pix)
Miscellaneous Wildlife
Beetles (2 pix)
Butterflies (9 pix)
Link: Butterflies of New York
Damselflies (6 pix)
Fish (1 pix)
Flowers (1 pix)
Frogs, Tadpoles (3 pix)
Mammals (7 pix)
Mantis (2 pix)
Moths (4 pix)
Snakes (2 pix)
Tortoise (1 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Northern Shoveler
  2. Mallard Take-off
  3. Mallard Family
  4. Mallard Family
  5. Resting Mallards
  6. Ducks
  7. Ducks
  8. Duck Duck Goose
  9. Mallard Tail
  10. Mallard Tail
  11. Three Dunking Mallards
  12. Mixed Ducks
  13. American Wigeons
  14. Mallard and Hybrid Goose
  15. American Wigeons
  16. American Wigeon
  17. Pintail Among Geese
  18. Pintail with Geese
  19. Pintail and Friends
  20. Pintail and Friends
  21. Gadwalls and Coot