[9/36] - White Ibis (Juvenile)
White Ibis (Juvenile)
Crooked Tree
Suan Hsi Yong
Belize - April 2011
> Highlight Tour [9/36]
Highlight Tour
More Highlights (31 pix)
Birding Highlights (43 pix)
"I was there" (15 pix)
Birds: Non-Passerines
Snail Kites (33 pix)
Other Raptors (25 pix)
Jacanas and Wood Rails (21 pix)
Parrots and Parakeets (20 pix)
Hummingbirds (12 pix)
Trogons (26 pix)
Toucans and Araçari (15 pix)
Woodpeckers and Woodcreepers (31 pix)
Other Near-Passerines (15 pix)
Other Non-Passerines (29 pix)
Birds: Passerines
Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Becards, Tityra (27 pix)
Jays (10 pix)
Warblers (13 pix)
Tanagers and Euphonia (16 pix)
Oropendolas (22 pix)
Orioles and Blackbirds (12 pix)
Other Passerines (34 pix)
Other Wildlife
Butterflies (11 pix)
Monkeys (11 pix)
Other Wildlife (28 pix)
Full Chronogical
April 23 - Crooked Tree (45 pix)
April 23 - Altun Ha (17 pix)
April 24 - Crooked Tree (80 pix)
April 24 - Crystal Paradise (35 pix)
April 25 - ATM (31 pix)
April 26 - Kayaking the Macal (60 pix)
April 27 - Caracol (57 pix)
April 28 - Tikal, Guatemala (66 pix)
April 29 - Crystal Paradise (43 pix)
April 30 - Xunantunich (56 pix)
May 1 - Depature (8 pix)
Images in this series:
Snail Kite at Sunrise
Vermilion Flycatcher
Crocodile with Snail
Rufous-Tailed Hummingbirds
Vultures probing Crocodile
Snail Kite
Neotropical Cormorants
Northern Jacana
White Ibis (Juvenile)
Strangler Fig
Crocodile Boy
Wood-Rail with Snail
Magnolia Warbler
Gold-Fronted Woodpeckers
Woodpecker Departing
ATM Skeleton
Gold-Fronted Woodpecker
Swallowtail Butterfly
Under the Caracol Oropendola Nests
Young Spider Monkey
Oropendola in Flight
Above the North Acropolis
Central Plaza Oropendola Nest
By the Big Face
View from Temple IV
Collared Araçari
Violaceous Trogon
Aztec Parakeets
Soaring Black Vultures
El Castillo
Atop El Castillo
White-Fronted Parrots
Blue-Crowned Motmot
Rhododendron Sunset