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[PREV] Black-Crowned Night Herons
Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ (Aug 2008)

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Windsurfing Photos   >   Lakes Bay 2008 [7/14]
Cayuga Windsurfing
Ithaca 2007 (21 pix)
Ithaca 2008 (3 pix)
Dewey Beach 2007 (14 pix)
Lakes Bay 2008
Dewey Beach 2008 (20 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. View from Hampton Inn room
  2. Atlantic City air traffic
  3. Geoff and Stu
  4. Geoff lee-side down low
  5. Stu lee-side no-hands
  6. Black Skimmer
  7. Black-Crowned Night Herons
  8. Suan powering up
  9. Geoff with helmet
  10. Vulcan jump
  11. Vulcan landing
  12. Geoff attempts forward loop
  13. Suan on 4.7
  14. Suan's jibe attempt