[PREV] [29/42] - Red-Faced Cormorant [NEXT]
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[PREV] Red-Faced Cormorant
Resurrection Bay

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Alaska - June 2009   >   Birding Highlights [29/42]
Highlight Tour (48 pix)
Birding Highlights
Me + Car + Tent (12 pix)
Hawk-Owl Encounter
Aialik Glacier Calving
Grebes and Loons (4 pix)
Cormorants (3 pix)
Waterfowl (4 pix)
Raptors (6 pix)
Ptarmigans (8 pix)
Shorebirds (3 pix)
Gulls (13 pix)
Terns (13 pix)
Puffins (6 pix)
Murres and Guillemots (6 pix)
Crows and Jays (6 pix)
Sparrows (5 pix)
Other Passerines (and one near-passerine) (8 pix)
Butterflies (11 pix)
Bears (8 pix)
Rodents (4 pix)
Ungulates (14 pix)
Otters and Seals (5 pix)
Whales and Orcas (10 pix)
Full Chronological
Anchorage to Denali (18 pix)
Denali by Bus (19 pix)
Stony Dome Hike (16 pix)
Denali to Paxson (10 pix)
Tangle Lakes (10 pix)
Rich and Glenn Highways (7 pix)
Matanuska Glacier (11 pix)
Potter Marsh I (15 pix)
Seward Highway (5 pix)
Kenai I: Resurrection Bay (18 pix)
Kenai II: Aialik Bay (15 pix)
Kenai III: Back to Seward (7 pix)
Exit Glacier (9 pix)
To Whittier (11 pix)
Potter Marsh II (8 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Pacific Loon
  2. Bald Eagle
  3. Ptarmigan Face
  4. Willow(?) Ptarmigan
  5. Ptarmigan Chick
  6. Rock (?) Ptarmigan
  7. Merlin with Snack
  8. Common Redpolls
  9. Finch (Red Crossbill?)
  10. Yellow Warbler
  11. Green-Winged Teal
  12. Red-Throated Loon in Flight
  13. Savannah Sparrow
  14. Greater Scaups
  15. White-Crowned Sparrow
  16. Northern Hawk-Owl
  17. Raven
  18. White-Crowned Sparrow
  19. Mew with Chick
  20. Mew Regurgitation
  21. Mews vs. Tern
  22. Tern with Fish
  23. Red-Necked Phalarope
  24. Young Tern
  25. Swimming Tern Chick
  26. Three-toed Woodpecker
  27. Black Oystercatcher
  28. Tufted Puffin
  29. Red-Faced Cormorant
  30. Horned Puffin
  31. Pelagic? Cormorant
  32. Common Murres
  33. Pigeon Guillemot with Snack
  34. Glaucous(?) Gull
  35. Juvenile Kittiwake
  36. Common Murres
  37. Orange-Crowned Warbler
  38. Townsend's Warbler
  39. Hermit Thrush
  40. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  41. Sleeping Tern
  42. Skimming Tern