[PREV] [9/15] - Suan on 3.4, approaching kiter [NEXT]
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[PREV] Suan on 3.4, approaching kiter
Windsurfing at Hood River (Jul 2007)

Suan Hsi Yong   >   Oregon, July 2007   >   July 28 [9/15]
Highlight Tour (43 pix)
Windsurfing (12 pix)
Bald Eagle (6 pix)
Falcons and Hawks (17 pix)
Ospreys (12 pix)
Passerines (24 pix)
Sandpipers (22 pix)
Waterfowl (9 pix)
Miscellaneous (8 pix)
Skippers (1 pix)
Anise Swallowtail (6 pix)
Clodius Parnassian (18 pix)
Whites (1 pix)
Lycaenids (13 pix)
California Tortoiseshell (12 pix)
American Painted Lady (4 pix)
Anglewings (5 pix)
Checkerspots (14 pix)
Crescentspots (5 pix)
Fritillaries (6 pix)
Full Chronological
July 21 (25 pix)
July 22 (44 pix)
July 23 (83 pix)
July 24 (51 pix)
July 24 - Bill Rupp's Camera (14 pix)
July 25 (75 pix)
July 26 (13 pix)
July 27 (29 pix)
July 28
July 29 (2 pix)
Polarizer Experiment (3 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Western Scrub-Jay
  2. Western Scrub-Jay
  3. Flying Cormorant
  4. Train Crossing
  5. Suan on 4.2
  6. Sam on 3.4
  7. Sam and Suan on 3.4s
  8. Sam on 3.4
  9. Suan on 3.4, approaching kiter
  10. Suan and Sam
  11. Barge Crossing
  12. Osprey
  13. Osprey
  14. Multomah Falls
  15. Multomah Falls