[PREV] American Redstart [NEXT]
[PREV] American Redstart
Jetty Woods, Ithaca, NY (May 2008)

By Year
Best of 2008 (23 pix)
Link: 2005-2008
Link: 2012-2013
Area Scenery (10 pix)
Butterflies (5 pix)
Young Birds (7 pix)
Feeder Shots (15 pix)
Other Fauna (10 pix)
Swans (5 pix)
Geese (4 pix)
Dabbling Ducks (4 pix)
Diving Ducks (15 pix)
Herons (5 pix)
Turkey/Vultures (2 pix)
Raptors (11 pix)
Coots (1 pix)
Shorebirds (15 pix)
Hummingbirds (2 pix)
Woodpeckers (12 pix)
Flycatchers (1 pix)
Vireos (3 pix)
Crows (1 pix)
Swallows (4 pix)
Chickadees and Titmice (12 pix)
Nuthatches (1 pix)
Creeper (1 pix)
Bluebirds (1 pix)
Warblers (7 pix)
Blackbirds and Orioles (6 pix)
Grosbeaks (5 pix)
Finches (6 pix)