[PREV] [10/10] - Red-Winged Blackbirds [Next Series]
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[PREV] Red-Winged Blackbirds
Montezuma NWR, NY (Sept 2007)
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Suan Hsi Yong   >   Ithaca 2005-2007   >   Blackbirds, Grackles, Cowbirds [10/10]
2005-2006 (8 pix)
2007 (26 pix)
2008 (9 pix)
Link: 2008-2011
Link: 2012-2013
Ithaca (25 pix)
Upstate NY (8 pix)
Ithaca area (12 pix)
Last Day of '07 (9 pix)
Geese (35 pix)
Swans (2 pix)
Dabbling Ducks (21 pix)
Diving Ducks (11 pix)
Mergansers (25 pix)
Loon and Grebe (3 pix)
Cormorants (28 pix)
Herons (22 pix)
Buzzards (3 pix)
Ospreys (2 pix)
Hawks (9 pix)
Coots (8 pix)
Killdeer (8 pix)
Sandpipers (13 pix)
Gulls, Terns (27 pix)
Kingfishers (1 pix)
Woodpeckers (6 pix)
Flycatchers (1 pix)
Swallows (16 pix)
Chickadees (3 pix)
Nuthatches (2 pix)
Thrushes, Bluebirds, Robins (10 pix)
Mockingbirds, Catbirds (6 pix)
Waxwings (8 pix)
Wood-Warblers (2 pix)
Sparrows (8 pix)
Grosbeaks, Cardinals (4 pix)
Blackbirds, Grackles, Cowbirds
Finches (9 pix)
Miscellaneous Wildlife
Beetles (2 pix)
Butterflies (9 pix)
Link: Butterflies of New York
Damselflies (6 pix)
Fish (1 pix)
Flowers (1 pix)
Frogs, Tadpoles (3 pix)
Mammals (7 pix)
Mantis (2 pix)
Moths (4 pix)
Snakes (2 pix)
Tortoise (1 pix)
Images in this series:
  1. Red-Winged Blackbird (f)
  2. Red-Winged Blackbird
  3. Red-Winged Blackbird (f)
  4. Red-Winged Blackbird (f)
  5. Brown-Headed Cowbird Pair
  6. Brown-Headed Cowbird Pair
  7. Common Grackle
  8. Brown-Headed Cowbird Pair
  9. Female Cowbird
  10. Red-Winged Blackbirds